Menopause management

I have a lot of patients come and see me wanting to now how they can manage their menopause symptoms. So I thought I would share some of my insights.

Menopause is diagnosed once you have not had a period for 12 months or longer. However, symptoms of menopause can start a long time before you stop menstruating. This is called perimenopause. The most common symptoms I hear are weight gain, irritability, hot flushes, night sweats, fatigue and vaginal dryness. 

There are many options for managing the symptoms of menopause, both non-pharmacological  and pharmacological treatments. General measures which can help most symptoms are living a healthy lifestyle by reducing caffeine, alcohol and spicy foods, getting some regular exercise and eating foods high in phytoestrogens (such whole bean soy products, tofu, whole grains and legumes). Using lubricants for vaginal dryness, herbal menopause supplements and cognitive behavioural therapy for mood changes can also be helpful.

Some women may opt for menopause hormonal treatment (MHT) to manage their symptoms. The treatment incorporates the hormones progesterone, oestrogen and testosterone and can be helpful for a range of menopausal symptoms. There are different formulations available including topical creams, patches and oral medications, depending on personal preference and the symptoms requiring treatment. 

There has been some information in the media in the past about the risks of breast cancer with taking MHT. In the general population, every woman has approximately 1 in 1000 chance of developing breast cancer. If you take MHT, that risk increases to an approximately 2 in 1000 chance. So although there is a small increase in risk of breast cancer, the benefits and improvement in quality of life by taking MHT far outweigh the risks.

The Jean Hailles website has some great information on menopause and managing these symptoms, which can be accessed via this link:

If you would like to discuss your individual situation and obtain a management plan from one of our doctors, feel free to book an appointment via our website or call our friendly reception staff on (02) 5925 5333.

Dr Rachael Fikkers

Cristy Houghton